The Spirit of Divine Interception
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveals His secrets unto His servants the Prophets. Amos 3:7
Divine Interception is a fool-proof spiritual technology for intercepting demonically engineered diabolical plans against us that are created by the devil to inject loss and suffering in our lives. In this empowering article I will expose the cause behind all the crises that we endure as kingdom citizens. Divine Interception means that God gets to us first before the devil can take us out. Divine Interception is the most lethal form of warfare against the enemy because the enemy is caught by surprise. I was introduced to the spiritual technology of Divine Interception by Dr. Francis Myles, who is an apostle to the nations and senior pastor. In his book, The Spirit of Divine Interception, Dr. Myles says that we as Christians need supernatural restoration and this type of warfare is needed in the body of Christ to minimize the number of citizens who fall prey to the devil and his wicked plans.
In Acts 27: 8–12, we see Paul speaking to the ship’s officers about how it was unsafe for the ship to sail due the dire weather. Paul was being intercepted by God to stop the ship from sailing, but the men did not listen and it turned into a complete disaster. The cargo was thrown overboard which resulted in loss and suffering. Now, I will use a true modern-day story of Divine Interception. A good friend of mine was working at her employer’s home for a while. She noticed that her employer’s husband was acting strange and told her that she needed to take him to the hospital because something did not seem right with him. Her employer did not take heed to her warning and the next week her husband stabbed someone to death. He was suffering from mental illness. You see, God can use anyone to warn us of an upcoming tragedy. That is the spirit of Divine Interception.
How many times have you had a gut feeling that something was not right about a situation or person? Well, that is God intercepting you, He is warning us that we need to walk in the Spirit. We need to listen to His voice. That is why it so important to not trust in ourselves but bring everything before God. We must learn to be humble enough to accept that we don’t know everything even in our lives. Even when we think we have the best perspective, we need to come before the Lord and ask Him to help us become recipients of this technology of Divine Interception. Without humility we will miss many powerful moments of Divine Interception because we are trusting in what we see through our clouded mirrors instead of what God may be sharing with us. We want God to show us what demonic technologies are headed toward us and He will use dreams to warn us. I really believe that many of us have missed out on divine moments because we have failed to perceive God in people He sends into our lives to warn us. We need to ask God to deliver us from every perception that is not of Him and be open to receive from God in whatever capacity He chooses to bless us in.
In Genesis 12, the Lord called Abram, and told him to get out of the country and go to a land that He would show him. The Lord said He would make Abram a great nation and bless him. When God gets involved with our affairs, the devil will try to derail us from pursuing our destiny. That is why as soon as God begins to transition us into a new season, the devil throws us a curve ball of emotional upheaval, mental or emotional stress to stop us from getting to our destiny. Many people abort their Kingdom assignments during periods of transition.
In Genesis 12: 10–13, a time of famine struck the land of Canaan, forcing Abram to go to Egypt. When he arrived there he was in fear that he would be killed. He lied and said that his wife was his sister. We see that as soon as God commissions Abram to leave his country demonic forces went to work to abort God’s plan. These demonic powers stopped heaven from pouring rain in the land that Abram was living on, which resulted in a severe famine that dried up every well and water source around Abram. This caused Abram to panic and reconsider his God given position. We see that Abram made a hasty decision out of panic and headed to the godless nation of Egypt.
When we know there is a high calling of God upon our lives, we must train ourselves to run to God in times of painful transition. If we don’t set our focus on God, we will make hasty decisions that will strengthen the demonic forces against us. We must be firmly grounded in our relationship with God. Abram’s behavior in a crisis mirrors the experiences that many kingdom citizens endure when they are not deeply rooted in their knowledge of God. Covenants are so important and carry great weight in the spirit realm. We see in Genesis 14, after Abram returned from the slaughter of the kings, the King of Sodom went out to meet Abram in the valley of Shaveh. He was trying to intercept Abram on his victorious return. The King of Sodom represents a demonic system that wants to ensnare kingdom men and women, especially in the area of business and destiny. God knew that the king of Sodom had a plan to destroy Abram. It was perfect timing of the High Priest of the order of Melchizedek to appear in front of Abram and give him the bread and the wine, which changed him from the inside out. God was determined to get to Abram before the devil did and that is the power of Divine Interception.
When the King of Sodom reached Abram, he was too late. The King of Salem, the High Priest of the highest God, had already intercepted Abram. When the King of Sodom tried to bribe Abram, he refused his demonic offer. Abram’s obedience to the priestly order of Melchizedek gave him the power to rise above. Abram was able to side step the demonic forces connected to the King of Sodom. The King of Sodom told Abram to give his people back, and that Abram could keep the money that the foreign invaders had stolen from the treasuries of Sodom. But, Abram had an encounter with the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek that had opened his eyes and he was able to discern the hidden demonic agenda. Meaning Abram saw all the snakes that were hidden in the money bags that the King of Sodom was offering him. Had Abram taken the money from the treasuries of Sodom, he would have opened a demonic spiritual portal for demons to enter his life. That is the kind of discernment that we as believers in Christ need so we can discern the truth about a situation and say “NO” to the devil and his plans to destroy us. Abram knew that if he took money from the devil there would be hell to pay in the future. We know now that when Abram took the bread and the wine that he received at the hands of Melchizedek it infused him with spiritual awareness and discernment. This awesome encounter with the heavenly king priest had completely shut down the wells of greed inside of Abram’s soul. Isn’t it wonderful how our God goes before us to help us in the day of trouble?
I want to talk about Divine Intervention, which is God’s rescue mission after we have been destroyed by the enemy. Dr. Myles states in his book that all rescue missions operate on the premise that a “crisis” is already in progress and needs to be contained before the damage becomes irreparable. Many of us are caught up in a whirlwind of pain and suffering induced by our own bad choices from our immediate past. If God in His mercy did not initiate Divine Intervention on our behalf, the spiritual ramifications of our disobedience and bad choices would completely destroy our God-given destiny. For those of us that are in a storm of trouble right now it is important for God to inject Divine Intervention. But, God wants us to open our spiritual eyes and ears so that He can eliminate and minimize unnecessary moments of Divine intervention. God wants our life to go to new levels and that means living in peace, not ongoing drama and loss.
We need to pay close attention to our dreams because God will use them as a vehicle to demonstrate the incredible power of the technology of Divine Interception. In Genesis 41, we see how God used Pharaoh’s prophetic dreams to show us how much the technology of Divine Interception can guide the future and economy of an entire nation. These dreams were so powerful because they were used as a vehicle of the most powerful spiritual technology in all creation, which can intercept the past, present, and future in one stroke. We see that when the seven years of famine came upon the nations. The Egyptian economy, which had been intercepted by God, was the only economy that survived this very trying time. So we see that Pharaoh could have ignored Joseph’s interpretation of the dream, but he did not. It is clear that Joseph was no stranger to the technology of Divine Interception. He realized that those prophetic dreams he had as a young boy in the land of Canaan were supernatural vehicles. His dreams were designed to transport the technology of Divine Interception, the realms of eternity, into the portals of time. God was intercepting the future in the now. In Acts 9, we see that Paul’s dramatic conversion to Christ was the result of a God-ordained moment of Divine Interception.
I hope you enjoyed this powerful message, please get the book to help make you more aware of what is going on in the spiritual realm. Please pay close attention to your dreams and messages that you may receive from people as well as from the pulpit. God could be intercepting YOU!
God Bless!
Paula Biancalana
The Spirit of Divine Interception by Dr. Francis Myles is available on