Jumping the Bloodline
For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is in the blood that makes atonement for the soul. Leviticus 17:11 NKJV
I was recently introduced to a spiritual technology that will ultimately change your life and DNA supernaturally. You will begin to have great victory in your life over things that have kept you blocked from God’s abundant blessings. There is a biblical pattern for breaking and jumping over the invisible line that may be keeping you from your God-given purpose and destiny. In this article I will explain what jumping the bloodline is and how you can do it. I was introduced to a new book entitled Jumping the Bloodline by Dr. Francis Myles. I personally have gone through many prayers and have broken generational curses and was, in fact, freed from bondage. But, every believer in Christ needs to have this biblical teaching and begin to exercise their faith and do it.
We must know that bloodlines are lines of direct descent through the blood, meaning they are generational. So, they are influenced by genetics of the specific bloodline under scrutiny. This is why you will see alcoholism as a genetic proclivity of a bloodline or sexual abuse may be another genetic proclivity common in a bloodline. So, we see that bloodlines are genetically influenced. Bloodline curses are the most difficult to break. But, we know that the blood of Jesus is more powerful than any satanic genetic proclivity that is attached to any ancestral bloodline. Hallelujah!
What is the source of bloodline curses? It is an ancestral heritage that can be traced from our father’s and mother’s bloodline. Our parents contribute greatly to our DNA or genetic profile. That explains the use of DNA testing and that the results, in most courts of law, are considered irrefutable evidence.
We as believers in Christ need to deal with our personal ancestral bloodlines before we can jump the bloodline to be delivered from generational curses. There is a spiritual technology that can help us understand this through a simple act called, “jump the line.”
How many of us have said to ourselves, “I will never be like my father or my mother,” because they expressed a horrible trait? Then one day we realize that we are doing the same things that our mothers and fathers did. Oftentimes we end up demonstrating the same kind of genetic behaviors, prejudices, and proclivities that we despise in others. The truth is they have always been there, we just did not see them. And we become conditioned to the environment around us. Bloodlines govern our subconscious behavior, and if we look, many times we can see that our past can control our present in the way we think, feel, act, or make decisions.
Our bloodlines are the primary reason we can find ourselves in repetitive cycles of failure, divorce, betrayal, financial misfortune, and sickness. It seems no matter how hard we try to work at avoiding or overcoming these destructive areas of our lives, they continue to plague us. We cannot change these things with wishful thinking. That is because they are deeply rooted in our ancestral genetic past and they have been passed down to you and I, entwined in our DNA. No matter what you do in your own strength you will still fail, lose hope, and even give up. The only way to get free is found in Jesus Christ. It has already been done for you through the blood of Jesus Christ!
Most Christians have a spiritual encounter with Jesus when we are initially saved. We know deep inside of us that something life changing has just happened, but overtime, when we don’t see things changing or happening in our lives quicker than we would like, we begin to lose our zeal or spiritual fortitude for the things of God. This has happened in my own life! But, God is a God of movement and new levels. We have to seek Him daily and find out what He is saying to us for our own lives. He has given us many spiritual technologies and they are all in the Bible.
My life change drastically when I began to break generational curses some time ago. But I had to work at it consistently and over time I began to see my life going to new levels and having breakthroughs, and even having angels show up in my life! My life has never been the same. I see so many Christians in churches feeling defeated. But, there is a way out and it is through the blood of Jesus. He has made a way for us but we must apply this spiritual technology to our lives!
After I received Christ a long time ago, I found myself going through the same cycles over and over again until I stood up and began searching for the truth. I knew there was more. For a lot of us, the daily grind of life has gotten us down and the news headlines that we are bombarded with don’t make us feel like our lives are going to get any better. But we must not lose hope because God promises us so much more!
God’s intention for you and I is to live Heaven on Earth, not wait until we get to Heaven. Most Christians have been taught the Gospel of Salvation. Not the Gospel of the Kingdom. The Gospel of Salvation is focused on saving people from their sin. The Gospel of the Kingdom is focused on saving people while they bring Heaven down to Earth.
Many believers have not been exposed to the Gospel of the Kingdom, and that is why so many of us are struggling to excel in our own lives. It is sad to say, but many of us have been taught to suffer until we get to Heaven. That is not the truth that Jesus taught. He taught a Gospel of the Kingdom that we are to excel in every area of our lives and experience Heaven on Earth!
Jesus promised us that God the Father would show up in our lives. However, if He is not showing up in your life, then you need to read this message and get this resource so you can go to new levels in your walk with God! Do you feel down in your soul that you were created for so much more? Do you feel like something is missing? We all have a great desire to live our best life, now!
Ultimately, God’s solution to restore us back to sonship was the only option. God’s solution to the sin problem was to offer a pure sacrifice on the cross to restore the broken and polluted bloodline. Through the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross, the bloodline between humanity and God was restored. Now that is something that we need to shout about!
Even though the blood of Jesus restored our long-lost royal bloodline, most of us still live and operate on the unrestored side of the bloodline. We must know that our generations have positive and negative traits connected to them. When it comes to negative traits they can be taken as a curse. A curse is defined as something that is causing misery or death, a hex or spell or something that inflicts evil on someone.
We now know that the negative effects of our bloodline are generational curses, which can also be a negative pattern that is attached to our generational bloodline from our ancestors. So they greatly influence a person’s genetics and DNA. We can see these negative effects playing out all through the Bible. In Genesis 12, we see Abraham lying about his wife to Pharaoh. When they arrived in Egypt, Abraham thought that they would have him killed because his wife was so beautiful, so he told her to lie and say she was his sister. In Genesis 26, we see the same situation playing out as Isaac does the same thing with his wife Rebekkah.
How can a believer live Heaven here on earth if we are still haunted by our past? How can we reverse and destroy demonically engineered patterns of behavior in our own lives that keep us from living in total victory? There is a Divine solution that is available to us as believers in Jesus Christ. We must exchange our corrupted bloodlines for Jesus’ incorruptible bloodline.
Imagine being free from all the negative genetic proclivities. Jesus has given you and me the ability to “jump” over our corrupted ancestral bloodlines. How is this possible? I am consistently seeking God’s presence for revelation for my own life, and when God is getting ready to take me to a new level, He will always bring a spiritual truth into my life and have me immerse myself in it. He always sends an anointed man or woman of God to show me the way. In this instance, I was introduced to Dr. Francis Myles and his book, Jump the Line,which opened my eyes to a new method to break generational curses.
Soon, I found myself doing Dr. Myles recommended prophetic act and jumping my bloodline, and I can tell you something amazing happened! After one week, I received a spiritual promotion to provide leadership in a ministry. So get ready for God to take you to new levels! Remember, jumping the line means that whatever is holding you back from moving forward will disappear! Beloved, Satan can no longer use those things against you! Please get this powerful book and do this prophetic act and your life will never be the same!
God Bless,
Paula Biancalana
Jump the Line by Dr. Francis Myles is available on amazon.com