God Speaks Through Dreams
I’ve been hearing a lot about dreams lately and how God speaks to us through our dreams. He may warn you, reveal sin, or give you a prophetic message. But, sometimes these dreams and visions are hard to decode. That’s because God uses symbols to relay His messages to us and He wants us to decode them. In Acts 2:17 and Joel 2:28, it says “‘and it shall come to pass in the days,’ says God ‘that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophecy, and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.’”
There is no real formula for interpreting dreams. But as we draw closer to the Holy Spirit, He will give us discernment. This is because God, the Holy Spirit, is the author of our dreams. In Genesis 41, we learn that Joseph had a dream. The dream revealed that his family would “bow down to him” in the future. This particular dream’s purpose was to foretell what was to come.
We see in Matthew 27, where Pontius Pilate’s wife had a dream and she warned her husband not to have anything to do with Jesus because she knew He was innocent. Her dream foretold the true nature of the Messiah. God may use a dream to teach us a lesson or warn us of a future event that will help us enter into our purpose and destiny. Dreams are powerful! So don’t despise them. Dreams can reach us, touch us, and transform our lives. Now you must know that Satan can also manipulate our dreams.
Matthew 13:25 says that, “while men sleep the enemy comes and sows tares among the wheat.” When God began to speak to me through my dreams to educate me on how to get out of bondage, I stood up and took notice. Previously I had not been taking them seriously. We as Christians need to open our eyes to this revelation. You see, God began to show me through my dreams why I was being held back, why I was experiencing delay and set back. In one particular dream I was being attacked by dogs. I would have this dream often. They would come and bite me. Or I would see cats at my back door. Well, I began to do some research and found out that God was revealing to me that there was witchcraft in my life and that was what was keeping me back from moving forward. If you have read my book, Abused but Not Forsaken, you will notice that I came from a background filled with witchcraft. So, I had to break that stronghold in my life and break the generational curse.
I was desperate and on a mission to know as much as I could because I was determined to get out of bondage. I came across some valuable resources that helped me decode my dreams and use my God-given authority to stop the enemy from polluting my life through my dreams. One book that I recommend is, The Divinity Code to Understanding Your Dreams and Visions, by Adam F. Thompson & Adrian Beale. Don’t disregard any dream, no matter how bizarre. God is speaking to you! As a majority of our dreams are metaphors, they are more likely to convey a spiritual parallel. When God repeats a matter, it is a sign of confirmation, importance, imminence, or urgency. The dream comes to remind you that you were not listening the first time. If you are experiencing repeated dreams, you need to take note of it because God wants you to act on it.
In Genesis 41, we see that when Jacob was addressing Pharaoh, he said “And the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice because the thing was established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.” The dream confirmed that God was speaking to Pharaoh and that what was revealed was about to take place. Dreams of people falling, washing, and toileting, flying or dark figures are strong calls for us to get things right with God. I came across another resource that has helped me understand a lot of demonic occurrences in my dreams. It is the book, Biblical Dream Interpretations with Warfare Prayers, by Joshua Orekhie. He makes a very interesting point at the beginning of his book that dreams are the window of your spiritual life. Dreams can be seen as revelations of things that are happening in the spiritual realm. He says that it is the place where battles between light and darkness are fought.
It is very interesting and it really shook me to the core to know that our lives can be destroyed, manipulated, polluted, or exchanged in our dreams. The author mentions that this is a key area in a believer’s life that has been neglected. Please get these resources. They have helped me tremendously in my quest to get free and take back territory that the enemy stole. If you want to live a victorious life I would suggest that you get a journal and, upon arising in the morning, write your dreams down and begin to use these tools to decode them and move to higher levels in your walk with God. Remember, dreams are not fictions, they are true realities. Think of it as a spiritual checkup. Every dream has a voice. Interpretations of dreams can only come through the knowledge and power of God’s word. I hope you enjoyed this insightful message.
God bless you!
Paula Biancalana
The Divinity Code to Understanding Your Dreams and Visions by Adam F. Thompson & Adrian Beale can be purchased on www.Amazon.com.
Biblical Dream Interpretations with Warfare Prayers by Joshua Orekhie can be purchased on www.Amazon.com.