Eradicating the Root of Bitterness from your Life
I have experienced many unpleasant situations in my life. For one, I was abused as a child, which created a faulty foundation. Being abused made me feel unwanted and rejected. This bitterness took root in my soul and as I grew, it caused me to make bad decisions, endure bad situations, and take wrong paths. I can remember living in constant fear as a child wondering what was going to happen next. My home environment was very hostile and filled with domestic violence. Being abused destroys your spirit. I grew up very angry. I was a very passive person on the outside, which made every one think that I was ok. But I wasn’t. I was lost and hurting. I was emotionally traumatized by my upbringing and the negative things that had happened to me. I carried these wounds deep inside of me for many years and this caused me to use drugs and alcohol to cover up the pain. But the pain does not go away. It’s still there. God knows it is there and so does the devil and the enemy will use it to cause many cycles of misfortune in our lives if we do not deal with it. The Word says in, Deuteronomy 29:18, “Beware for fear that there be among you a root bearing poisonous and bitter fruit.”
God wanted me to discuss this topic today because many Christians are walking around pretending to be ok, but I am here to tell you today that you have to deal with this root of bitterness. I recently spoke to a woman that was raped at the age of fifteen. After the incident her mother beat her and said it was her fault. This woman began to tell me how she hated her life and from that day has never had any happiness. She is now 70 years old and has come to know the Lord, but she realizes that she wasted decades of her life being bitter. Did you know that a soul wound gives the devil access to wreak havoc in your life? It could be from the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship. It could stem from having been molested or raped, or having an abortion and living with the anger and regret of your decision. Did you know that bitterness is like taking poison? Yes, bitterness causes cancer, sickness, and disease. In Hebrews 12:15 it says, “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”
That is exactly what will happen, you will begin to find yourself in all sorts of trouble. It will be like a magnet pulling you to various situations and you will wonder how in the world did this happen? It will negatively play out in many circumstances until you begin to wake up and deal with the root. You won’t prosper at anything if you have bitterness.
One day, I was in prayer and God spoke very loudly to me and said, “Get rid of all your bitterness!” I had been saved for a long time and God had done a great healing in my life. But things happen to us on a daily basis and we don’t realize how it is affecting us. About three years ago I went through a horrible experience at my job. I worked with some co-workers who were not afraid to speak up and tell you to your face what they thought of you. They were very intimidating and pretty harsh. But they had been getting away with it for so long that they thought that it was ok to treat people this way and they didn’t care who they hurt.
God’s word says, in Ephesian 4:31 says, “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put way from you along with malice.” I went home every day stressed out and very angry. I did not want to get into any altercation with them so I kept my mouth shut and just took it. I shoved it in my heart and went to work every day holding on to the anger and bitterness. This went on for quite a while. These negative seeds took root in my heart. It got to the point where I knew I needed help. I came across a very powerful revelation and teaching that helped me get through the ordeal. This is just how the almighty God works with me. He always sends me a revelation and an anointed man or woman of God to help me go to the next level or experience a breakthrough. God brought the anointed teacher Katie Souza into my life, and her testimony is a journey of positive transformation in the hands of God. Katie was a career criminal most of her life. She was convicted of a number of felonies and sent to federal prison to serve almost twelve years. While serving what would be her final prison sentence, Katie encountered God in a way that dramatically changed her life.
She immediately became an outspoken advocate for Jesus and her infectious love for Him caused many women inside her cell block to accept Him as their Savior. This wonderful anointed teaching by Katie Souza, Live Free Escaping the Trap of Bitterness of the Soul and the Soaking Disc. Through this powerful teaching Katie will open your eyes to the many areas of bitterness that plague each one of us in our daily lives. She walks you through your entire life and speaks over you and then you need to use her soaking cd and saturate your soul and spirit with these truths. This revelation has been such a blessing to me. I know it will be a blessing to you!
Katie Souza says that holding on to a grudge against someone is like drinking poison and waiting for them to die. According to the Bible, bitterness of the soul can cause you to die before God’s appointed time from any of a multitude of diseases and disorders. Through her teaching you will experience breakthrough after breakthrough and you won’t be the same. I hope you will get this powerful teaching and begin to eradicate the bitterness in your soul. Your life will never be the same in Jesus’ name. Please leave your comments and let me know how this revelation knowledge has blessed you. I would love to hear from you!
God Bless,
Paula Biancalana
Katie Souza: Live Free Escaping the Trap of Bitterness of Soul teaching on Cd and her companion soaking away bitterness Cd. or