Deliverance from Demonic Covenants & Curses

Throughout my walk with God, He has taught me that when I was ready to go to the next level He would send an anointed man or woman of God into my life to bring me a message or revelation. I would immerse myself in the wisdom and read and study as much as possible about it through the word of God and get the resources that were available from that particular destiny helper that God had connected me to. That is just how He works in my life. You know the word of God says that “My people suffer through lack of knowledge,” Hosea 4:6. You must know that we are a spirit in a body having a human experience. Everything that happens to us first happens in the spiritual realm and then it is manifested in the natural realm. Matthew 13:25 says, “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.” The greatest danger that a person faces in the spiritual world is what happens when we are asleep. The Bible divides sleep into two: Physical sleep and Spiritual sleep. I want to bring your attention to a couple of scriptures where God forged covenants while men slept. 

In 1 Kings 3:5-15, God appeared to Solomon in a dream, God asked Solomon what he wanted Him to do for him. We all know that Solomon asked for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, which were all granted to him. Another scripture is in Genesis 15:11-18. We see that God made a covenant with Abram, who would be later called Abraham, concerning the Hebrew people while he was sleeping. When we sleep, things can be manipulated and covenants can be forged in the spiritual realm that can also affect our lives negatively without us being aware of its consequences, thereby compromising our walk with God. You must know that a covenant is a formal agreement between two or more individuals and they are legally binding whether in heaven or on earth, be it physical or spiritual. Anything that tries to infringe upon them or violate them will attract a form of punishment. It means a covenant can be forged in your dreams by the enemy. Many Christians today do not even know that they are in bondage due to evil covenants forged in their dreams or ancestral covenants.  

The Israelites worshipped other Gods.  They made demonic covenants with the devil and therefore gave the devil legal right to enter their lives. The children of God were forced to live in oppression and humiliation. They never enjoyed the fruit of their labor due to the enemy coming and destroying it. The bible says in Judges 6:1-6, “The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD, and for seven years He gave them into the hands of the Midianites.” The word says whenever the Israelites planted crops, the Midianites, Amalekites, and other peoples would come and invade their camp and ruin their crops all the way to Gaza and did not spare a living thing. The Midianites impoverished the Israelites to the point that they cried out to the LORD for help! The devil will assign specific people to come and destroy you, just like the Midianites did to the children of Israel. 

When I got ahold of this revelation I was so mad because I had wondered for years how the enemy was able to get into my life and keep me in negative cycles. I was going to church, being faithful, paying my tithes. But I wasn’t seeing the fruit of my labors. Are you experiencing failure? Setbacks? Unexplained misfortune? When was the last time you heard God’s voice? You may be the victim of demonic covenants being forged in your dreams or they may have already been in your bloodline. God may be speaking to you about them in your dreams but you are not aware of it. Most of the time we are unaware what the kingdom of darkness is planning against us. 

A resource that brought me the wisdom and then the understanding to apply them to my life is Deliverance from Demonic Covenants & Curses by Rev. James A. Solomon. You must get this valuable resource. Rev. Solomon, like me, experienced a lot of the same rituals and demonic spiritual encounters that I did as a child. His father was a witch doctor in Africa and he was next in line to take his father’s place. In his book he explains that once we are initiated into the occult world, our destinies are locked up and we cannot move or make any progress. My father was in the occult and I went with him to one of his meetings. The witch that he was seeing said to me that I had the power. She put a curse on me and I began to experience convulsions, panic attacks, fear and more! When that happened to me, my life became locked up and I experienced a lot of horrible things. I began to hear voices and smell things and could not be alone. I had an awful fear and dread come upon my life. This is real stuff, folks. It has taken me a long time to fight to get free from these things. I had a dream of the devil roaring at me because I began to receive massive revelation from the Lord and He began to reveal to me what I needed to do. So, I am on a life mission to help as many Christians that I can get free and enjoy the blessed life that our Savior wants us to have.

Destroying Every Demonic Covenant by Bishop Climate Irungu is another great book for you to read. It includes powerful revelation knowledge and prayers. I hope you will get these valuable resources and begin to study them with the Word of God and do the prayers in the books as instructed. Be consistent and apply this revelation to your life. It will be a great blessing to you. Please send me any questions you may have. I would love to hear from you!

God Bless,

Paula Biancalana

The Recommended Books are available on Amazon:

Deliverance from Demonic Covenants & Curses (2010) by Rev. James A. Solomon

Destroying Every Demonic Covenant Over Your Life (2017) by Bishop Climate Irungu


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