Operating in the Courts of Heaven
If you have found yourself praying for a specific issue and have seen no change, then this article will be a great blessing to you. I had been praying for a situation for a long time and had seen no change until the Holy Spirit guided me to bring it before the court of heaven. Now, I really didn’t know how to operate in the court of Heaven. But I had purchased a book by Robert Henderson called, Operating in the Courts of Heaven, that changed my life. When I brought the issue to the court my life made a sudden shift and within three days there was a breakthrough. Once plagued with stagnation, this was suddenly gone as soon as I brought it to the court.
When God is in court as our judge, we come before Him in awe. The truth is that God judges out of love. He is a God of love. There is a difference between a prayer and a petition. Prayer covers all aspects of requests. A petition is a formal request to the court requesting judicial action on a matter. A petition in prayer is a legal presentation before the judge, requesting a verdict from the court of Heaven. God is longing to grant us mercy, so once the legal objections are dealt with, He will rule immediately.
Like I said previously, my situation turned around suddenly. One important thing to know is that God will not force our will or override legally binding vows, contracts, or covenants of our family. This is very important! You may be having issues in your life due to vows, covenants, or contracts that your family made with devilish powers. So, we must find out what is legally binding us, so you will need to do some digging. Because a lot of Christians are suffering needlessly due to things in their family’s generational bloodlines that can be taken out of the way by taking it to court. When God has ruled on a matter in the court of Heaven we will see rapid results. Isn’t this a wonderful revelation?
In the book of Job, it is interesting to see that the accusations that Satan was bringing against Job concerning his motives for serving God. It wasn’t about a personal sin or a generational one either. The accusation was concerning wrong motives. In other words, we must be careful when doing the right things; we must do them for the right reasons. We must consistently allow the Lord to judge our motives and intentions from our hearts. Psalms 139: 23–24 says, “Search me oh God and see if there be any wicked way in me.” When we do this, we take away any potential realms of accusation Satan could use against us.
There is another story in the book of Daniel, Chapter 10, about the prophet Daniel’s perseverance in prayer. As Daniel prayed over a period of 21 days, it says that there was a war raging in the second heaven as the enemy was trying to resist the answer. The good news is, as covenant believers, we have been given access through what the word says to come before the throne of grace. We have been told to come boldly before the throne room to obtain mercy and grace in the time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
We as believers need to realize that certain kinds of prayer, such as a petition or intercession, best occur not a battlefield but in the courtroom of heaven. They directly pertain to the settling and processes that occur before the courts of heaven and can literally be viewed as legal transactions before the Judge of all the universe.
By faith we as believers can step into the court of heaven and function there. Altars are places of sacrifices built on the earth and open the portals of heaven. The court of heaven is not a method to pray, but it is a spiritual dimension we step into, and when we step into that place and begin to function there, then things begin to shift in our lives and answers begin to come speedily.
God Bless!
Paula Biancalana
Operating in the Courts of Heaven: Grant God the Legal Rights to Fulfill His Passion and Answer our Prayers, by Robert Henderson, 2016. Can be purchased on Amazon.