Defeating the Spirit of Death
I recently went through a battle. I was hit with sickness in my body. It came on suddenly. The first thing that I notice was that my thyroid was out of whack. I was experiencing anxiety, tiredness, and insomnia. I immediately thought to seek medical attention. But, as I began to pray the Holy Spirit told me to read the book, Be Revived, by Katie Souza. God always sends an anointed man or woman to bring me to new levels of understanding when I am facing a trial. When I began reading the book, I learned Katie had gone through a similar health crisis. I learned that we as Christians must judge ourselves and be in a constant state of repentance. The devil is always in the court accusing us of one thing or another.
Recently I had been going through a lot of stress in my job due to individuals not doing their job and I having to go in and clean up their mess! When things like this happen, you can get wounded through the process. And the devil just waits for you to mess up. So, we must judge ourselves and do it regularly to keep from getting attacked.
That is just what the devil did. He attacked me through a storm. When you are going through a storm you need to sit back and stay strong. Keep your mouth shut. I like the scripture Ephesians 4:26–29, “Be angry and sin not; do not let the sun go down on you anger. Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
I am a prayer warrior, and I couldn’t understand why I was getting attacked with sickness. I repent daily. But whenever God is getting ready to promote me, I believe the shield is taken away so that I am tested. The devil is always going to try to stop or hinder your progress. So stay ahead of the game and judge yourself. God always brings me a revelation and steps to follow. Praise God, He is so awesome! Through Katie’s book I learned that I was getting attacked by the spirit of death. But, God through His grace, trumps the spirit of death assignment against you!
In Ephesians 2:8 it says, “By grace, God’s unmerited favor, that you are saved and delivered from judgement and made partakers of Christ’s salvation through your faith and this salvation is not of yourselves of your own doing. It came not through your own striving but is a gift of God.” In Be Revived, Katie includes a number of grace scriptures to declare over your life daily. She expounds on taking communion daily. This will enable you to defeat the enemy anytime you mess up or are feeling assaulted. As you begin to declare that you are under grace and not under lies of the devil, the enemy will back off and death will be defeated. This teaching is a must, especially if you have any sickness in your body!
Please get a copy of the book and begin to declare grace over your life and do the communion. You will see amazing breakthroughs take place in your life.
God Bless!
Paula Biancalana
Be Revived by Katie Souza, 2020. You can purchase the book on amazon or her website at