I Speak to the Earth

The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein. Psalms 24:1

Everything that God does is done from a position of foreknowledge. When God created the Earth, He filled it with every visible and invisible resource that we would ever need to complete our destiny. So why God would create an abundant Earth and not fill it with every resource that we would need to fulfill our destinies? Everything we see airplanes, cars, cell phones, technology was already created in the Earth for us to discover. Meaning it already existed. All the raw materials were already deposited in the Earth by God long before we were created. Everything is birthed in the spiritual realm first before it shows up in the natural realm. Everything created needs natural chemical and mineral resources to come alive. We must understand that God is a God of revelation. The ideas that come into men’s minds were already created in the Earth by Almighty God. So we see that the earth is not suffering from any lack but from the absence of men and women of revelation.

If the Earth is pregnant with God’s fullness, then why is there so much lack in our world? Why are God’s people suffering from lack? Wealth in the Kingdom of God is based upon the concept of “Common Wealth” which mean it applies to every citizen of the Kingdom. Now greed creates a culture of hoarding in men’s hearts so instead of distributing wealth a person may begin hoarding it for himself. The people that are most effected by lack are the poor, widows, and orphans. God is always advocating for the downtrodden. In Hosea 4:6, it says that My people suffer due to lack of knowledge, which means it is our lack of knowledge causing our lack of prosperity that God has already provided for us in His word. The Earth was not created empty. Hoarding is a mindset which is birthed from a mindset of scarcity. When we believe the lie of lack, there is a natural tendency for us to begin hoarding.

We must open our eyes to the fact that God owns all the operating systems behind planet Earth. He owns the order, constitution, and government behind our planet and the sun, moon, stars, and the heavens. Whatever effects the Earth has a direct impact on the world. You and I have been given the power to speak to the Earth to change our world. That should make you want to get up and shout! I was just introduced to an amazing revelation from my spiritual mentor Dr. Francis Myles, in his book entitled I Speak to the Earth: Release Prosperity. You will discover that we as believers have the power to speak to the Earth and destroy all the demonic forces that are working against us and the land under our feet. After reading and participating in the supernatural act that is represented in Dr. Myles’s book, you will discover a major shift in your life and God will restore everything in your life. 

In Genesis 8:22, while the Earth remained there is seed time and harvest and, cold and heat, day and night shall not cease. We know that the prosperity of the people of the planet is directly connected to the earth and man’s ability to live a life of prosperity. If you are waiting or have been praying for a miracle to happen in your life then the Earth is going to have to participate in that miracle or it will never happen. In Jeremiah 23:10, it says that the land is full of adulterers, for because of the curse the land mourns. So we see in this verse that land is impacted by sinful behavior of the people of the earth. Meaning that word curses that are spoken by people have a direct impact on the Earth’s ability to give us the prosperity we need in order for us to live a successful life.

When mankind was given dominion over the Earth, the land had to respond to what men were creating with their words. So, when we as faith-filled believers speak to the Earth we can reverse the cycles of curses and iniquity that the Earth is trying to process. So whatever has a negative impact on the Earth’s divine balance will have an equal impact on one’s quality of life. We as believers in Christ must use this supernatural technology of speaking to the Earth that God has given us to influence the planet with life-giving words inspired by the Holy Spirit that will ultimately cause the Earth to bring forth God’s great goodness and blessings everywhere!

Remember God created the Earth by speaking to it “Let there be light.” Once it was spoken, it immediately appeared. So we see that man was given the power by Almighty God to speak to the Earth and command prosperity. This aspect of God giving man dominion over the earth is why there should be no lack on Earth. So we see that man has been given the power within the sound of our voice to speak to the Earth to cause it to bring forth. When God gave mankind the power to affect the Earth it was in four ways—to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it.

So we see that man would forever have the power to command the Earth to be fruitful and bring forth. Once God gave man this gift, the Earth had no choice but to heed the voice of man, which means that the earth has to process the seeds of the spoken words of men in order to bring forth. So beloved, arise, and know that you are a warehouse of seed that the Earth requires in order to bring forth everything that God has given you to fulfill your destiny here on the Earth. So it is time for you to speak to the Earth and see things shift supernaturally in your life!

I hope you enjoyed this empowering revelation knowledge. God is going to do a supernatural miracle for you.

God Bless!

Paula Biancalana

You can purchase the book by Dr. Francis Myles, I speak to the Earth: Release Prosperity, on Amazon.com.


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