Breaking Generational Curses
One of the greatest revelations that I have ever received in my walk with God came after a very low time in my life. I was very broken and I was a victim of many repeated cycles and patterns that I did not know how I was going to get out of. But, I managed to continue to seek God. You know there is a Scripture that says that when you seek God with all your heart you will find him? Well, I just never gave up and I think the Almighty had mercy on me. He is a merciful God. I will say that my situation did not change much right away. But I would pray in tongues every morning for about two hours. This continued for about two years. One day, I was watching a very well-known Christian program and the man of God that day was preaching about the courts of heaven and he said when there is something being held against you in the spirit realm you will remain stuck. That day was a turning point in my life. That was my answer!
God doesn’t just give you everything all at once. He wants you to dig deeper into what the revelation is saying. So I purchased the book by Robert Henderson, Operating in The Courts of Heaven, as well as his CDs and began to saturate myself with this wisdom and understanding. Then I purchased another book that was recommended,Repentance: Cleansing your Generational Bloodline, by Natasha Grbich. You can purchase these books on Amazon. This book is a very valuable tool and the enemy Satan doesn’t want you to get your hands on this information because you are going to do damage to his kingdom. I suggest you read the whole book first and follow the directions. You will not believe what our ancestors did. These things are playing out in our lives and that is why we can’t get ahead. We are sick, broken, and busted and that is where the enemy wants us to stay. It doesn’t matter how much you give and how good you are. If you don’t apply these spiritual tools and principles to your life then you will remain stuck. I have spoken to many believers from time to time and they were always going through something. These individuals were attending churches but were not walking in the promises or blessings of God that are quoted in the scriptures.
When I received this revelation knowledge and began to apply these principles to my life, I began to be a partaker of these blessings. I have even experienced the benevolence of angels appearing in my life to change my circumstances and bring me to a whole new level of spiritual understanding. But it does cost something. You are going to have to spend time with God and read and meditate on Scriptures. That is what it takes. Then God will begin to reveal these mysteries to you. You see, God commanded me to write my life story. I didn’t want to do it, but when I did, my life completely changed. In the past I was happy covering it up. But that is what the enemy wanted. I just recently revealed my past to my family. They had no knowledge of what I had been through.
God set me free and I want to share this information with others. This is just the first of many revelations that I have received. I started my blog to share what I have learned. If you get a chance to read my book, Abused but Not Forsaken, you will see that I did not have a good beginning. My life was plagued with abuse, witchcraft, alcoholism, drug abuse, and much more. You have to know that those things don’t just happen. They are being perpetuated by a cursed bloodline. It means that we will have the same things that our generational bloodline suffered unless someone stands up and says No more! and gets the revelation from God to take these truths and apply them to their lives. Please read Deuteronomy Chapters 27 and 28. Since my deliverance, God has divinely connected me to many men and women that came into my life at the right time when I was ready to receive the next revelation. You will be amazed at what we as believers do not know. But the enemy does know it and he is doing everything he can to keep you ignorant of his tactics. I hope that you will use this revelation knowledge and begin to apply it to your life. Get the books, they will be a great blessing to you. Please send me any questions you may have. I would love to hear from you!
God Bless,
Paula Biancalana
Recommended Reading are all available on Amazon:
Repentence-Cleansing your Generational Bloodline by Natasha Grbich